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The Home for All Seasons

In late 2016 TEDS and JTP won the Sunday Times ‘Resilient Home’ Competition with the ‘Home for All Seasons’, a scheme designed for resilience to; flooding, heat waves, extreme cold, energy shortages and societal change. The project was shortlisted by judges and voted for by the public over a two month period. It has been widely cited in both academic, industry and government publications as an exemplar approach for new build development. We at TEDS are working on testing this concept at scale to make the 'Home for All Seasons' a reality.This future-proof design provides protection, comfort and independence to residents through an approach of resilience, rather than resistance, to the very real issue of extreme weather conditions. It works inline with the principles of good place-making and rather than seeing 'resilience' as a compromise uses it as a feature to enhance the way in which residents live in and enjoy their homes. As a result those living in the 'Home for All Seasons' have peace of mind in the knowledge that their home can be quickly and easily adjusted to cope with the wide range of challenges the future holds.


"The 'Home for All Seasons' is designed to take extreme weather in its stride - a place to live in comfort throughout the year.  Whether torrential rain causes flooding, blazing sun causes a heatwave or it’s so cold that there’s a big freeze, the 'Home for All Seasons' will keep you safe and sound."

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